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Contribute to Our

Want to be Published by CBL?

Things You Can Submit


Long, short, funky, classic, go wild, make it yours.

See specs below for sizes and regulations.

Fake Ads

You, yes you! We need you to make fake funny advertisements for the low low price of Free!

Fan Fiction

Comic-related fiction based on preexisting or original characters—write your hearts out


Write about that thing about comic books, movies, etc you're passionate about.

Movie Reviews

Did you cry at the end of Infinity War and want to tell us all about it? Now is the time.

Doodles & Sketches

We love em. Rendered, un-rendered, tiny, huge, give them to us. Give them all to us.


Just because a piece of art doesn't have words or panels doesn't mean it doesn't tell a story.

Fan Art

We love comics and we love art—combine them and we'll probably publish it in our book

Et Cetera

Literally anything you can think of related to comics. The more creative, the better

Fall 2018


Sept. 5  |  Club Fest
Sept 11.  |  First Weekly Meeting
Sept. 14 |  Weekly Meeting (The Sequel)
Sept. 21  |  Weekly Meeting III
Sept. 28  |  Incontro Settimanale
Sept. 25  |  The Fifth Weekly Meeting
Oct. 2  |  Weekly Meeting Six
Oct. 9  |  Meeting of the Week
Oct. 16  |  Weekly Meeting 8

Oct. 23  |  Another Weekly Meeting

Oct. 30  |  Spooky Weekly Meeting

Nov. 6  |  Fourth to Last Weekly Meeting

Nov. 13  |  Weekly Meeting—COMICS DUE

Nov. 20  |  NO MEETING: Thanksgiving

Nov. 27  |  The Making of the Publication

Dec. 4  |  Last Meeting of the Semester

Submission Specs

To ensure that our submissions will fit snugly into our publication, please adhere to the following guidelines—submissions that do not check off all of our guidelines will not be published.


  • Size: Proportional to or fitting within 7 x 9 inches (ie: 10.5 x 13.5 will be scaled down, 7 x 4 will look like a strip)

  • Color: Can be in color or black and white

  • File type: TIF preferred, JPG and PNG also accepted

  • Dots per Inch: 400-600 dpi preferable

  • Single full page size: 7 x 9 inches

  • Keep the content related to comics or visual art

  • NO racist, homophobic, sexist language or symbols, extreme violence, extreme nudity, etc

  • Check the schedule above for submission deadlines


All submissions are screened by the executive board and are subject to our judgement.

Email with any questions

How to Submit

1. Check that your piece follows all of our submission guidelines


2. Email your submission to  via google drive attachment with the subject line: "Submission—(first & last name)"


3. Wait for E-board approval


4. Yay! You did it! Go treat yourself.

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